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Writer's pictureDrew Glover

Amber's Journey: Deep Connections and Compassion

When she came to us Amber was a 35 African American mother of four who was facing some pretty serious challenges. Struggling financially and without consistent housing, she was pregnant with her fifth child and needed a supportive ear - someone who would listen empathetically, free from judgment, and prenatal services and support. Thanks to a referral from our partners at United Health Care (UHC), she was able to find her way to Naturally Nurtured Birth Services.

Her doula, Abeni, became more than just a support person; she became a close friend and trusted confidant. Amidst Amber's concerns about housing and preparing for her new baby, Abeni provided critical guidance and connections to essential resources. Her relationship with Abeni deepened as they worked together during the prenatal period, covering crucial life skills she hadn’t been exposed to growing up.

When Amber entered early labor, Abeni was there, offering advice and comfort. During the labor, with no family or partner could be present, Abeni stood by her as the only support.

The birth of a healthy child marked the beginning of a profound transformation for Amber. Today, Amber's confidence is soaring. She's tackling daily tasks with newfound vigor, ensuring her children's needs are met. Her recent acquisition of a car, a crucial step towards employment and independence, was a milestone she eagerly shared with Abeni. With guidance on financial literacy, Amber is now on housing waitlists and actively resolving utility issues to secure a stable home.

Even though all clients are provided a 8-week window of support, because of their deep connection Amber and Abeni remained in touch, illustrating the enduring bonds formed through Naturally Nurtured Birth Services.

As a general practice, Naturally Nurtured Birth Services’ commitment to our clients extends beyond typical service periods, whether clients are referred through UHC or not. Their support often evolves into long-lasting relationships, providing a network of care that continues to uplift after the initial postpartum period. Amber's story is a testament to the transformative power of empathy, guidance, and the human connection created through the services offered by the amazing doulas that make the work possible.

To learn more about the work that we do, or to obtain professional doula support services, participate in prenatal yoga, group healing care, lactation support and counseling, placenta encapsulation, 1 on 1 classes, birth pool rental, belly binding, early gender testing and more, visit or email us at

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